Sunday, February 23, 2014

Obetus: Dark Magistrum of the Swamp Realm

Ancient lore tells of the Black Nnguus Battle that raged across the realms when Obetus grew tired of his domain. With a great rage he struck out at the planet, determined to create a world in his twisted image, where all would serve the death god.

Being the closest and by many considered the most beautiful realm, Obetus invaded the neighboring Blossom and succeeded in consuming Florera, disfiguring the god/dess into a dark and shrivelled creature.

All seemed lost until the great Rezurim, Ea~loka summoned the remaining Orbs and thus the power of all the remaining Magistrum.  They focused their power on the heart of Uvorae~a, seeding a Razgor pod and growing within a few days what would normally be a century long process.

The pod was sent to the planet’s surface and from the Allsea erupted a lancing spark, unleashing the massive beast.  With the celestial influence of the Orbs, the Rezurim and Razgor, who by their nature are fatal adversaries, fused themselves to form a protective barrier around the Swamp realm.  This effectively severed Obetus' power to the external Realms, allowing the planet’s inhabitants to quell the nnguul rage.

Thus, Obetus was contained within the walls of Swamp. Its nomadic inhabitants live on the outskirts and keep watch on nnguus activity; as such, they have become expert nnguus handlers. 

Due to the infestation, acquiring the Swamp Seed has become incredibly difficult for those at this stage in their Journey, but not impossible. Many succumb to nnguus corruption, saved through the tireless effort of medics, healing spells and vapor chambers. Many more are entirely devoured by the rot.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Critter from hyperspace

Some early concepts

A few more characters that were developed back in 2010.

• feel the atmosphere • breathe the air •
• see the sights • but beware •
• of teeth that gnaw • and lips that curl •
• mouths that murmur • all's a knot •
• silently shouting • patiently prying •
• ears that listen • can hear a thought •